The View From Ground Level

You probably don’t become so engrossed, so determined to redirect your life that you overlook living. I seem to have mastered the practice.

Allow me to elaborate.

Recently the status quo pushed me to my limit. Something had to change. Surely, I had to work harder. The year winding up, Thanksgiving already passed, I had to move fast.

Not entirely dumb, I prayed first. I listened. Soon the story came to me. I had it.

Painstakingly planning the process, outline, flow chart and all, I stepped right into work.

work Markus Spiske

Before long at all, so enthralled with the plan and the work, I happily keyed away – until either my cordless keyboard batteries drained or physical pain partially diverted my attention. Not hearing my alarms (another story), forgetting to eat or drink, I worked till the wall fell on me. And then I slept.

This cycle went on for some time – I’ll get back to you with the specifics.

I now recall having seen signs of Christmas here and there, noting to myself I must slow down soon – after I finish the manuscript that will not only change my life, but the world as we know it, of course.

Over a week into the Advent season, the numbers on the calendars flashed before me – what the… that date can’t be right. Noticing the ache from my waist down, I remembered blowing off my fitness routine for a day – or two – a week ago. No matter, I’ll think about all that after I sleep a little.

derailedThis morning began with a renewed determination to catch up, get my derailed train of a plan back on track. Start with the basics; hygiene, fuel, exercise, prayer and then work. But either the light was somehow wrong or the mirror lied at me – I looked awful! I felt fine, so I told myself I look good enough. All I could stomach was two bites of stale granola bar and a shriveled apple slice.

Reality caught up with me on the cold tile floor – where I sprawled, having fallen over my silly self, trying to pull on my walking shoes as I walked toward the door.

“I’m okay,” I announced, realizing I had released a loud, indiscernible sound as I rolled around quite gracelessly.

At that moment I realized I must seriously get my head back into living my life. Bounding ahead too fast brought me to ground level.

To catch up I had to stop. After a while I will stand. Then I’ll think about what’s next.




Filed under Notes from the Apex

4 responses to “The View From Ground Level

  1. Creative flow is amazing, but you’re right–we stay too much in our head and need to be grounded!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Falling In To Place | Whats Next

  3. but that creative flow feels so good…why do we have to stop? 🙂 I love that feeling of being detached from the world when I am creating…I can’t say I have even been able to sustain long enough to stop eating, or exercising or living…but I absolutely love that flow when it happens…


    • Thank you for the comment, Josee. You brought to mind something I meant to change before posting. Who am I kidding? I regularly post, edit, update, repeat. [Sigh] I too love the flow, and so much more when I keep everything in good balance 🙂 Today the view from ground level was refreshing. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

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