When they put up the fences…

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a cooking pot and twisted tales

Los Cabos, Peace, Padilla, I, Mexico, Sloop, Jump, Sea

When they put up the fences
may our feet be as fleet as gazelle
that we outrun their barbed enclaves
may our wings spread wide
that we soar high to tips of the highest trees
breaching the boundaries of caged birds
whose wings are clipped
but their voices continue to sing.

When they put up the fences
will they stay rested behind their glass towers
or will they venture to other people’s poor spaces
and plant their feet in arrogant superiority
whilst they tear the owners asunder?
Forgetting that he who brings an insect infested log into his abode
invites the lizard to feast
and may not have rest.

When they put up their fences
tell me
Would that really make any sense?
What manner of divisions shall we see?
Would that really be a worthwhile defense?
or will it trigger room for more offense?
When they put up their…

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Filed under Notes from the Apex

3 responses to “When they put up the fences…

  1. This one resonated with me too.


  2. You are a sweetheart. Thank you Roo

    Liked by 1 person

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