What Next

Reblogged from my initial launch post (slightly tweaked):

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The world is changing.

Yet despite the many changes, some important things are the same as when I was a child – a very long time ago. I’m talking about what makes the world go ‘round; what makes us happy.

Above all the violence, tragedy and the madness, more than ever before I see people care about people. The technological advances in my lifespan alone, the blogosphere all have presented us with more opportunities, advantages that were unfathomable as I was growing up.

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We have gone global. Our family, friends, and neighbors – our community have become immense.

Honestly, from my limited perspective life occasionally seems overwhelming; health issues, ecology, economy, strife… We all have dark days when the world feels hopeless. And yet the globe continues to turn, the sun keeps rising on a brand new day.

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My dear, sage friend Zoe once said it best: “Every day, you walk out your door, really look around you and actually look at the first person you see. You smile, say good morning, maybe help carry out the trash…

…The possibilities are endless and it all begins with simply getting out of our heads for a moment, pause, ask the simple, forgotten question, ‘Can I lend you a hand?’ You continue on your way, but you did something.”

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Even when it feels like we’re at the end of our ropes, we can get radical and possibly change the course of a day, a life – the world. We start by simply responding to the question, What Next? What can I do to make things better, right where I am right now? I suggest we do the simplest next right thing and go from there.


“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” Jesus, The Bible (NLT), John 16:33


Images courtesy Pixabay


Filed under Notes from the Apex

10 responses to “What Next

  1. Pingback: What Next | theblackwallblog

  2. I am going to keep asking what’s next 😊 Lovely post

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I’m delighted we have connected and I’m now following your blog. I looking forward to roaming around and reading other blogs you’ve posted.

    Liked by 2 people

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