In The Moment


I have always taken planning and preparing for whatever could happen to a whole other level of crazy making. For the past few years I’ve methodically, painstakingly pursued the practice of simply being. Try as I do, that being a work in progress is seriously understating it.

“But the Lord said to her, “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.” *

But then I noticed something: While doing chores out in the ice and snow, I must forget my writing, the laundry, what might be on the stove and everything else. I must consider every move – or swing, lest I hurt myself (again) – or I could generate more work for someone else. For those happy minutes life here forces all my attention to exactly what I’m doing and nothing else.

Dude, living in the moment is amazing.

During this first season home, I better appreciate the intricacies of this lifestyle. My priorities shifted remarkably to gathering wood, helping to care for the animals and myself daily.

I like a sparkly-clean home. But I loathe breaking stuff and the down-time and extra expenses after I hurt myself. Water spots on the dishes, soot or dust dropped way down my priority list; alone in my cottage only my fingers disturb the fine, light covering. And I’m far more flexible with my time and more relaxed. This has all been a learning experience I won’t soon forget.

“We ought not to be weary of doing little things for the love of God, who regards not the greatness of the work, but the love with which it is performed.” Practicing the Presence of God, Brother Lawrence

Mostly I appreciate my bright, new direction in over-thinking just about everything. I enjoy simple things more than ever before. Sure, I’d like more income, and my name on some real estate – or a motor vehicle title. But my story is far from over.

I also noticed the good stories keep till I get to them.


God. Controls. Everything.

“For the life of every living thing is in His hand, and the breath of every human being.” Job 12:10 (NLT)

*Luke 10:41, 42 (NLT)

Images courtesy Pixabay


Filed under A Door Ajar, Notes from the Apex

25 responses to “In The Moment

  1. bisimodupe1975

    Living in the moment, appreciating little things, paying attention to not hurt your self while trying to meet the demand of every day work and simply just trusting. I love your perspective. Take care of yourself Roos.

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  3. Reading this just gives me warm fuzzies and satisfaction. Enjoy every moment.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. What a beautiful perspective! I love that you’re happy. Please take care of yourself though. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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  6. Barbara

    Lovely post, take care of yourself.


  7. Mary always gave me hope in that parable, as i was not too interested in domestic work of a sort as a youth or even an adult. But becoming a lot more present and rooted within my body (not just head/heart/soul…) has made a vast difference in that drudgery and my life. (This is also an interesting post today since I’m dealing with a bout of vertigo again and it intensely reminds me to be very careful in movements and focus!)


    • Have mercy, I feel you, Cynthia! Vertigo, especially the nausea that comes with it – mine’s an inner ear issue – is my Achilles heel. Moving home and being an integral part of the operations here has been the wisest move I’ve ever made. Not that it’s perfect – I miss seeing my sons and the grand kids horribly – but I’m making tremendous personal progress in elementary areas I was not able to achieve elsewhere over the past 25 years. A CPTSD survivor, more than anything else I must learn to just be. Martha helps me see what not to do – usually in hindsight, but it’s still improvement ;). God bless your healing!

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  8. The Lord began dealing with me about living in the moment and how freeing it can be several months ago. It is indeed more relaxing. For me it was also areas God showed me I didn’t trust Him. Thank you for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. He really, really does…

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