
Today was a first. Delighted to find I had an internet signal I began exploring Hulu – in the morning.

I’ve been benched.


But I regress. In the editing process I cut numerous details from my drafts; the whining – you’re welcome

For example:

  • hammering axes to the breaking point chopping logs – hard on muscles and tendons,
  • the arabesque leaps generated by snow-covered ice – interrupted by plummets into the same,
  • breaking less graceful falls, straining my arms,
  • learning the easy, shocking way the wire on the pasture fence was hot,
  • wood burning stove: seared, burnt and scalded hands, arms and ankle (don’t ask about the ankle),
  • innumerable bruises and scrapes – my favorite resulting from a log bucking into my shin.

Suffice it to say this body’s taken a beating this winter.

Yesterday I was rapidly approaching my limits with the ongoing cold. I developed a plan. I thought it was ingenious:

remington-limb-trimI’d carefully use my little electric chain saw to cut logs and fill one wood bin. Ambidextrous, I thought surely I could do that without further injuring my right arm. Once prepared for a few more weeks of extreme cold, the weather will certainly warm immediately. Things always seem to go that way. Right?

So, now compensating for my gimpy right arm I’ve stressed my left arm and both hurt.

Later, shaking her head at me, DoctorNeighbor simply said, “Stop. Doing. Everything.” And then brought me her sling that belts to the waist.

Note to self; texting and keying also involve the biceps.

“Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him.”*

After doing only the most basic chores today, Kindle being uncooperative and books actually being too heavy, videos are my last hope for resting and allow the healing to happen.

The up sides:

  • Jogging in place during the many, many advertisements, my legs and lower torso will be in remarkable shape for spring,
  • I’m inspired with new story lines – spin-off ideas from trailers,
  • I’m now nearly an expert at processing wood and survivalist heating,
  • I saved enough money to buy a couple of cords of wood to repay Cole and the neighbor,
  • Though I feel vastly accomplished for having done it, I’m done cutting wood myself.
  • As I rest I can plan to make candle/pottery space heaters to keep me snug till spring.

Oh, and I’m refining my cell’s Speech-to-Text vocabulary.

Happy blogging, friends!

“Come to me, all you who work and have heavy loads, and I will give you rest.”

Matthew 11:28 (NLT)

* Psalm 62:5 (NLT)

Images courtesy Pixabay and Home Depot


Filed under A Door Ajar, Notes from the Apex

12 responses to “Benched

  1. Pingback: Stove Up | What Next: Behind Roo's Ruse

  2. Pingback: Crowing and Growing | What Next; Behind Roo's Ruse

  3. Pingback: Safe at Home | What Next; Behind Roo's Ruse

  4. Pingback: Safe at Home | What Next; Behind Roo's Ruse

  5. Pingback: Seventeen | What Next; Behind Roo's Ruse

  6. Pingback: Housebound | What Next

  7. Pingback: Changing Things Up | Whats Next

  8. Pingback: Melt – Walk #8 | Whats Next

  9. You are a roll, Roos. I jog in place too. Great for the legs and circulation.


  10. Anonymous

    Oh my goodness Roo, you sit still for once!
    I hope you heal quickly and with no new injuries!

    Liked by 1 person

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