Learning From Life – Repost

Beginning my fourth year with What Next; Behind Roo’s Ruse I’m amazed at all the changes since I began and what I’ve learned. From September 15, 2015:

Learning From Life – Extended Course

In the process of life the truly meaningful lessons stick with us and the seemingly unimportant ones redefine themselves along the way. The most significant ones seem to keep reaffirming themselves. Ten things pretty well sum things up for this Boomer:

1.  If people ever stop surprising me I will probably be dead.  1. a. I am a people.

2.  I alone am responsible for my choices. I may be influenced, but God help me, I choose.

3.  People want to categorize people.   3.a. Ignore the categories – no one gets out alive.

4.  People like people they can talk with about anything and are also comfortable sharing silence. 4.a. There’s nothing like ‘a good friend and a glass of wine.’

5.  Listen with body, spirit and soul; words are optional.

6.  When we are young we learn best from our elders. When we are old we learn best from our youngsters.

7.  Feel disconnected?  Stop and plug in.

8.  A single quote from a good movie tells an entire story.

9.  To think better, float face up on the water and breathe in the freshest air anywhere.

10.  Not much is better than waking up to the smell of coffee and bacon cooking on a campfire.


“Get all the advice and instruction you can, so you will be wise the rest of your life.” Proverbs 19:20 (NLT)


Filed under Notes from the Apex

15 responses to “Learning From Life – Repost

  1. bisimodupe1975

    Great words of wisdom. How have you been? You are I’m my thoughts. More Grace, more strength.


    • bisimodupe1975

      Now I mixed up things I had opened your page earlier and wanted to comment but it didn’t load quickly… So here I am posting something meant for a post on Facebook on this post… But you know what I found out that your lines above are really words of wisdom. Life is a long journey of new and interesting learnings. Cheers 😀😀


  2. Love these! Congrats on 4 years! Heres too many more! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. That’s wonderful that you’ve written out things you have learned. I’m certainly old enough to do it, but I’m still grappling and coping.

    Liked by 1 person

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