Honor Them

They did their part. Let’s do ours.

Let us use the freedoms they defended and implore God to bless all our Veterans.

But don’t stop there.

Let’s all do as He asks.


Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves… Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.” Romans 12:10 & 13 (NIV)


Image courtesy VeteransDayBlog

Feature Image courtesy ABSFreepic.


Filed under Notes from the Apex, Writing and Blogging

11 responses to “Honor Them

  1. Thank you for remembering, and your kind words. All the males in my family (except one) on both sides, all the way back to the Civil War, have served! I am thankful for their sacrifices and love of our country.


  2. Nice post, Roo. As a Vet, I do not think that I am worthy of anything. However, I am blessed to have just had a wonderful experience of Open Heart Surgery at the VA in Dallas. One of the Best facilities in the system.
    I am in awe of your sons and Daughter in Law. God Bless America.

    Liked by 1 person

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