Hit the Brakes

Is it just me or the is it the world around me?

This week we have some major factors working against one another:

  • Time change – do NOT get me started on how ridiculous it is to continue this practice.
  • Files disappear and then reappear again
  • I gave up coffee – Patricia, you’d be proud of me.
  • The back castors fell off my mobile, stand-up work station – they simply fell off within 24 hours of one another. Enter now the 2nd week of dialogue with Houzz customer service reps.
  • Intermittently soggy socks now bring to our attention the fact that last summer’s repair work hasn’t entirely prevented melting snow from trickling across my kitchen and bathroom floors

And finally, with spring 8 (count them, eight) days away,

  • We have an ice storm, followed by even more snow.

Yes folks, Snowmaggedon 2019 Hoodies are selling like hotcakes at Amazon.

So, finally finished dealing with customer service reps while stepping around my desk, I realized I had skipped right over my quiet time with God – a huge faux pas. This practice reminds me I’m not God – we know this because for years I tried to be God, only to prove I suck at it. That valuable life lesson cost me some twenty years of my youth, so I’m shocked when I slip back there again.

So, late into this morning I was feeling a little frustrated, isolated and, I admit, slightly neglected when not one response to this morning’s post appeared anywhere.

I grabbed the only cell device that was not charging and saw I hadn’t received the notification advising me about my most recent scheduled post…

This, friends, is why paper calendars can be problematic. Our phone calendars simply do not mislead us. At that point I was shamefully near panic mode, sprinting around the cottage in search of a pair of good glasses. Passing a mirror I realized I really must stop.

Just stop.

“I said, ‘You are my servant’;
I have chosen you and have not rejected you.
So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.*”

Yep. I’d scheduled today’s post for tomorrow. What would have been today’s post is now rescheduled. So now I’m going to go make a snow angel. Or maybe something else that doesn’t require keying or more puddles.

The entirely silly point to sharing all this:

My life is good. I can slow down or stop without fear of hurting or harming anyone. And the world will keep going. God has this, so I needn’t try to control it. My loved ones are all well, I have food, a warm home, a car… I’m breathing deeply.

Peace, my friends!

*Isaiah 41:9(b)-10 (NIV)


Filed under A Door Ajar

8 responses to “Hit the Brakes

  1. Oh my gosh, I’ve done that too! Felt so neglected no one is commenting and then I check the time and… oops! 😀
    Love how you look in glasses. Very chic! 😎x2

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Andrea Frazer

    You gave up coffee? Um… that is proof God is with you. (Hang in. I don’t know what I’d do without my quiet time of meditation/scripture each morning with God. I sometimes forget scripture and do it at school, but 99% of the time I do meditation or I feel it.) I’ll be back!

    Liked by 1 person

    • You know it. Giving up coffee is a huge hurdle. Into the second week it feels like green tea is just not going to cut it. However, I must restrict my caffeine intake. I am delighted to see you again, Andrea. Did did you take your blog down?


  3. I empathize. There’s nothing like counting your blessings to see how those “not so good” things aren’t the most important things.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Here is a response. 😀 Will that do or do you want another? OK, here is another. Nice that you decided to return control to God.

    Liked by 1 person

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