

I don’t mind the cold. Even without sunshine the ranch sparkles!


“God’s breath sends the ice, freezing wide expanses of water. He loads the clouds with moisture, and they flash with his lightning. The clouds churn about at his direction. They do whatever he commands throughout the earth.”
Job 37:10-13 (NLT)


Filed under Notes from the Apex, photography

5 responses to “Sparkle

  1. We were in the Monashee mountains about 80 kilometres north of my home yesterday. The sun rise was gorgeous on the snow and the panorama was lovely.

    Thank you for following my blog and I hope you will enjoy commenting on posts and providing feedback to the various posts and categories in my blog.


    • How delightful! Spokane is the home of friends who are closest to that area. Because of them I included the metamorphic Monashee range in my dream hike from the Tri-Cities area and circling back home again. Finding you has been a pleasure. I look forward to visiting your blog more. Happy Shooting!


  2. Ahh! Love the sparkle! You made my face sparkle and great verse as well.

    Liked by 1 person

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