Another Favorite Day

Dear Diane just reminded me today is another of my favorite days of the year.

February 15: Valentine chocolates go on sale!

I’m kidding. Sort of. I began an intense diet the first week of December 2018. I’m not impressed with the weight loss so far, but I feel remarkably better (despite life’s bumps and bruises). So, it’s not another epic fail.

I get lots of practice failing. Okay, maybe not exactly failing, but I’m well experienced in unexpected outcomes. Too bad that doesn’t sound as impressive on a resume.

Today let’s stick with diet and exercise. I’ve tried lots of ways to lose excess weight – not all were healthy and some made me feel awful. But with help from good friends like David at Chape Fitness I’ve condensed them all to a simple plan.


Here goes:

Burn what you eat.

Okay, we can’t blame that on David (mea culpa, Bro). My weight has raised and lowered my whole life, so empirically, it’s not quite that simple. Last year I again found more extra pounds than I want to admit. Despite running myself ragged all summer and feasting mostly upon the super-sized vegetable garden, as the holidays approached I hadn’t shed the smallest fraction.

I had however, let slip the practice of doing nothing else but eat during meals. I’d also stopped paying attention to the combinations of what I ate as well as the times I ate. What’s more, I lost sight of why my diet is important to me – loving myself slid way down the priority ladder as well. These small details, left unchecked can combine to become a big problem.

I don’t know about everyone else, but I can fumble likewise in my relationship with God. I’ll put off my devotion time for any number of logical reasons, like:

  • to take advantage of the sunlight hours,
  • to get a head start on tasks, or
  • do my shopping while sane people sleep in,

Seems smart. Right? Yeah, but before I know it, days passed and my soul and spirit were dry. I never got around to what’s actually most important. The evidence was unmistakable. Instead of contentment I soon found myself:

  • Jumping to conclusions,
  • Flying off the handle, and
  • Definitely pushing my luck.

These are far from the best workouts. Fortunately my brakes still work well.

I’m still learning to simply slow down a bit, strategize my meals and activities, pray more and stress less.  As I do I not only feel better, but once I shed this extra weight I’ll be able to enjoy some of the little things in life more without blowing up my long-term goals.

Chocolate freezes. Right?

“And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.”

Romans 12:1 (NLT)



Filed under Notes from the Apex

15 responses to “Another Favorite Day

  1. I like the way you combine the everyday with scriptures to help our hearts remember God. It is a struggle for me. I started out writing bible lessons, but no one looked at them. Then I wrote a story and started getting followers. I discovered I love fiction writing but with some inspiration. But, am I being honest in the call to inspire people to know that God is always with them? You do both beautifully.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you for your encouraging feedback. I confess sometimes the statistics can feel deflating. But the Spirit faithfully reminds me often I don’t work for statistics, I work for Him. I believe God can inspire readers’ relationships with Him through fiction. Fans of Jan Karon, Janette Oke, Ted Dekker and Frank Peretti would agree. I want to try writing fiction, but haven’t yet. I’m not sure if that’s because the timing is not right or because I write mostly to work through the mess in my head.
      Feel the blessings and pray it forward!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. You are doing well. Going at it like this will keep weight off after getting it off. Keeping it off is hard. So change the habits in the process. I enjoy going over to Chape occasionally. He has some good advice and writes in an interesting fashion.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Sounds like you’re getting a spiritual workout as well as a physical one! (I guess we could all use that!)

    Liked by 2 people

  4. “Chocolates go on sale”–love that!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thankfully I won’t have a car for two days and can’t look for Valentine candy on sale. We bought a tiny cake, and it is now gone. That’s the way it should be for us.

    I like your philosophy of “burn what you eat”.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Anne. We’re essentially snowed in still. Even churches in our area cancelled services or broadcasted on line only. We could charge up the Commanche if needed, but I’m comfortable with the time out. I’m glad for more time to contemplate a better way to burn and not reinjure – again. It’s a downside to living single at this stage of life 😊


      • I didn’t realize you were still snowed in. I used to enjoy those days


        • I don’t know about the rest of the community. I’m still enjoying snow days this week. I admit, although schools have been closed all week, because Cole has not only a tractor with a blade as well as the modified Jeep Comanche (that is reputed to have gone up a 45 degree rock wall), we’re not literally snowed in. Yesterday moving the 2×4 1500 pickup out of the driveway took me far longer than I expected – but I toughed it out. I wonder if it’s good to push ourselves, challenge our actual potential. Too often I tend to back down just because something’s been a while. Then again, because the arm stopped hurting constantly I re-injured it over the weekend. = >


  6. Good for you in being successful with dieting and yes chocolate freezes. LOL!
    The way you relate it to devotions is so true, great post!

    Liked by 2 people

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