Tag Archives: bloggers

He’s Faithful

Featured Image -- 3282

I too can attest this is so very true!

As does Michelle Malone.

I too can attest this is so very true! As does Michelle Malone.

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Filed under Notes from the Apex

Share – Bliends

j-gi-federizoHave you met my friend Jennifer Federizo at The End Justifies the Journey?

J.Gi is one of those super-techs who doesn’t mind explaining the ins-and-outs of cyber world, makes them less mysterious to non-tech people like me. Gi explained the mysteries of SEOs, Twitter and keywords, making them interesting as she described the gears. As busy as she gets, J.Gi makes time for friends.

Another new blogger friend thoughtfully commented to me (privately – I appreciate not wanting to embarrass me) that the photos in my posts can be too big to view.

Thanks to bloggers like J.Gi, me being a newbie blogger, I rarely know what other bloggers don’t – until then. “I’m all over this,” I thought. In private emails I got to tell her how to navigate around posts more easily. We got to chatting and I shared links to WordPress tips and tricks and Blogging U courses – which are wonderfully helpful as well as fun – I’m very easily entertained. Annnd then I noticed I’d forgotten to press “send” until now. Sigh.

Isn’t our blogging community wonderful that way? There’s some kind soul to encourage, help or give a heads up. We’re all in this together, after all. One hand washes the other.

I feel astoundingly accomplished now. I apologize in advance for my next faux pas.

“A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need.” Proverbs 17:17 (NLT)



Filed under Notes from the Apex

More Hopeful – Bliends

Art by Rob Goldstein

Reading Robert Goldstein‘s posts usually grab me by the throat with his raw emotion and common sense, especially his recent post, Dissociative Identity Disorder: Anger and Shame. (You’ve met my friend, Hope).

I agree that to continue as a healthy society, all American’s must get past the stigma of Mental Health and Mental Illness. I appreciate Rob’s conviction to “… remind people that the only way we can fix a problem we collectively created is to act collectively.” Rob does more than talk/blog his opinion – he is hands-on involved with numerous organizations to affect a positive difference. Ya gotta respect that.

Spoiler alert: Rob leans toward disputations regarding politics. In my experience discussing politics in open forums tends to divide people rather than uniting us, so I avoid doing so. There’s too much disunity in the world already. However, after following Rob for several months I respect his opinions. We don’t agree on everything, but his passions and his objectives are unmistakable. Please give him a read.

“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.” Romans 8:28 (NLT)


Filed under A Door Ajar


First Danny at Dream Big Dream Often and then Anne Mehrling recently posed the question, “Do you have a favorite season?

tree-spring-pixabay tree-summer-pixabay

tree-fall-pixabay tree-winter-pixabay

I wonder what makes any one season favored about the others. I enjoy them all!

Variety enhances life, especially seasonally. I thrive in climates with four distinctive, equal seasons. Early signs of the approaching season exhilarates me, but I don’t really have a favorite. I love bundling up to take in the silence of snowfall in winter, the invigorating, color displays and refreshing air in spring and autumn and warm, balmy summers delight me. But I especially like change when the current weather becomes tedious.

Following are photos from our recent visit around Glenwood Springs, Basalt and Carbondale, before autumn falls 😉

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“For the beauty of the earth
For the glory of the skies,
For the love which from our birth
Over and around us lies.
Christ our God, to Thee we raise,
This our hymn of grateful praise.”
Folliot S. Pierpoint,in Lyra Eucharistica, by Orby Shipley, second edition, 1864

Four Seasons Tree images courtesy Pixabay


Filed under Notes from the Apex

Walk #5

It was a great day to visit the local post office.

Outside the building a small flag moving along, barely visible above the cars parked along the curb stole my attention. I found it attached to Marjorie Lewis’ scooter. Ms Lewis shared with me a good part of her last few decades and some American History. Half an hour with her seemed like seconds but I doubt I’ll ever forget this unsung hero:


Birthday cards to mail, I proceeded inside to find the regular gang waiting to help me:




Not just a Postal Employee but my workout cheer leader, Linda checks my dumbbells.


The seal of approval.

“How wonderful and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony!” Psalm 133:1 (NLT)


Filed under Uncategorized

Bliends – Crumbles



For those poor dears who don’t know Lisa, there’s joy awaiting you at KidsCrumbsandCrackers.

From the UK Lisa delightfully shares the world of a wife, mother of four young humans and is your all-purpose lovely person with an uncanny wit and humor. Considering her job a privilege (and a happy diversion from domesticity), she shares her expertise by caring for especially special people, adults with learning disabilities, and an occasional prince, unveiling the truth that she is rare, and adorable in her own right.

lisa marie gardiner


Be advised going in that conversation with Lisa can go on for days, and one never knows where it will lead. Personally, I’ve never been disappointed.

Not always serious subject matter but always genuine, this seasoned veteran mom of four has learned a few things from Lisa. Do pop by and have a look-see.



“Charm can be deceptive and physical beauty will not last, but a woman who reveres the Eternal should be praised above all others. Celebrate all she has achieved. Let all her accomplishments publicly praise her.” Proverbs 31:30,31 (The Voice)



Filed under Writing and Blogging

Bliends – Meet Mesca

Change world mesca

I met Mesca at Psychochromatic Redemption early in 2015 in a Blogging U course (go figure) and her blog continues to fascinate me. With her provoking HIP Photography, poetry, excellent book reviews, prose often set to music, and conversation, she offers “a bit of everything…”

love paints mesca

Debuting as Psychochromatic Inception, Mesca jumped into blogging with both feet sharing her stunning imagery style, multi-genre tunes, a potpourri of fascinating information and unmistakable emotion. She later evolved to rename her blog Psychochromatic Redemption and raised the bar.

Schedule a visit for some enriching me-time soon and enjoy.

“…I know God has made everything beautiful for its time. God has also placed in our minds a sense of eternity…” Ecclesiastes 3:11 (The Voice)


Images are property of Mesca/HIP Photography/Psychochromatic Redemption and not to be shared or otherwise duplicated without prior written permission. Thank you!


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Filed under Writing and Blogging

Bliends – Teased

My new friend Patricia at Tea and Tales has my attention. She not only shares reviews of noteworthy books and tea rooms, but her tea suggestions tease my taste buds. If you haven’t met, I highly recommend you pop by and acquaint yourself with some Tennessee charm.

dried pixabay

Last winter I nearly shorted out the old electric oven in our rental home. With too much time on my hands I started drying citrus for teas and potpourri, using the tastier results for the former. Evidently electric ovens at lowest settings create a moisture buildup in the most unfortunate places that can ruin the control panels. Once entirely dried the oven was restored.

However, my present home is equipped with an old gas oven, not a new model with electronic pilots. The oven stays between 115 – 125 degrees (f) whether I utilize it or not. Drying fruits, veggies and teas has become an obsession. On a broiler pan and parchment paper it takes a few days. Granted, a dehydrator is far more efficient, but uses electricity. In a pinch use it anyway (like, for Erin and grand girl’s birthdays, drying 10 pounds of apples into chips in three or four days). It’s also best for more moist items, like pineapple, banana, summer fruits and jerky.

fig rose steepsterA few years back while my daughter-in-love worked for Teavana, they introduced a fabulous Fig Rose tea – and then promptly discontinued it. Villains. I was hooked. I searched, but haven’t found it. I used the last traces of it last winter and have craved it since. I Googled the original blend, obtained the ingredients and filed it. Until this week.

At Sprouts, my favorite local store (within walking distance for me), I noticed dried figs in the bin section. I passed them by for a few weeks until I spotted a display of dried offerings in the vitamin section – dried hibiscus and rose petals including tiny rose hips. We don’t grow any roses or hibiscus. I’m ecstatic!

Fig Rose Tea Ingredients: Almonds, Apple, Beet Root Pieces, Figs, Hibiscus, Hibiscus Flowers, Pineapple, Rose Petals.

I’ve used sliced, raw almonds successfully and dehydrated the remaining ingredients before, so I got right on it.

The first mix of the main ingredients was only slightly disappointing. I missed the caramel and musky undertones, likely from dried jams. Next week I plan to work with brown sugar and see if I can’t come closer to the original flavor.

I assure you, it’s quite worth the effort! I’ll keep you posted.

Image courtesy Steepster.com


Filed under Kitchen Sync


gray woman cell guy on phone work *

I feel like I should touch base with my counselor – I’m that happy – over a misdial:

Cell: “Hey! Answer the phone. Why won’t you answer the phone? Why don’t you want to talk to me…” It’s my “anybody else” ring tone that I rarely hear. I chuckled, imagining it playing in a crowded elevator.

Me: *clearing my throat to sound more professional* “This’s EVA.”

Voice on cell: *slight hesitation* “Oh, excuse me. I must have dialed the wrong number, please excuse me.”

Me: “Oh if I never did that too. {And then, honestly kidding}  At least I’m not someone you want to get straight.”

Voice on cell: *Another pause* “Funny you say that, I was calling someone to talk something out.”

Me: “I’m Roo. I don’t want to offend you, but do you want to pray first?”

Awkward pause. I imagine someone on the other end staring at their phone. Dang, I need a better filter. I feel sheepish.

Voice on cell: “Roo? From WordPress?”

Me: *Pause again.* “Uh… Yes. I don’t imagine it’s a common name. Are you a blogger?”

Voice on cell: “Yes, I blog on WordPress, in fact.”

Me: “That could explain how you pressed the wrong contact button. Can I ask your blog name? Hand on the Bible, I swear I don’t have time to harass or troll you.”

Voice on cell: Chuckling, “This is Me. A while back I read one of your posts.  A few minutes after I messaged you, you texted me. That’s how I have your number in my cell…

I silently wonder if they can hear my smiling.

Voice on Cell: Hey, I only have a moment, but let’s pray…”

Prayer time with someone I don’t actually know recharged the rest of the day.

This blogging community is so amazing, I want to point you to some more friends. Do stop by and say hello. You don’t have to call:

“Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works.” **

Mesca at Psychochromatic Redemption
Charles French at On Words, Reading and Writing
Caitlin at Joy-Full Happenings
Jacqui Murray at World Dreams (who also promotes Alex Cavanaugh’s Insecure Writers Support Group!)
Lori Greer in Portland
“K” at Black Wall
Pretty Plus and Proud
David at Chape Personal Trainer to inspire and get your body moving
Chris at Detached Angel
Bella at Thoughts n Life Blog


** Hebrews 10:24 (NLT)

*Images courtesy ABSFreePics


Filed under Writing and Blogging


Have I told you lately that I love the blogging community?

friends chicago

Imagine Heaven

I’m serious about that. Without getting all sappy here, the Blogosphere helps all y’alls feel heavenly at least now and then; someone posts something that rings in our souls, filling us with inexplicable joy (or at least makes us chuckle, think, rethink…) – reaffirming why we spend our time writing what we do. It’s what connects us.

I’ve been blessed with friends I never would have imagined – and yet we’ve never actually met (unlike my Erin and Roan whom I’ve known most of my life). These people get it. They make time to converse, explore different thoughts and perspectives. They not only work tirelessly to share life through their writing and blogging, but they devote time and energy to Pay it Forward and spread the good stuff around.

Today I not only have some free time, but God filled me with a spirit of appreciation for my friends. Somewhere in the blogosphere someone needs a ray of light and these folks are the brightest in my minuscule fleck in the universe.

So, this is me paying it forward today. If you haven’t met, stop by and say “Hi.” You won’t be sorry:

Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha at A Cooking Pot and TwistedTales,
Danny at Dream Big Dream Often,
Rick Christensen at Discovering and Sharing Grace,
Great Thinker of Stuff, Mitch Teemley at The Power of Story,
Diane D. at Ladies Who Lunch Reviews…
Michelle at The Malone Zone; Two Are Better Than One,
Sarah’s Attic of Treasures (full of different perspectives and new friends),
Simply Marquessa,
Jason Kushman at An Opinionated Man,
Jennymarie at Peace From Panic,
That’s So Jacob (this bright, witty guy brings it all to the table),
J.Gi at The End Justifies the Journey (this bright girl challenges one to think – and giggle some)
Larry at Quest – Clean and Serene in a Crazy World
Eugenia at Brew NSpew

Sincerest thanks and love to each and every one of you – and those for whom I couldn’t provide a link!


“He [God] makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.” Ephesians 4:16 (NLT)


Image courtesy Unspash


Filed under Notes from the Apex